OpenAI宣布DALL-E 3模型向ChatGPT免费用户开放,但每天只能生成两张图片
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OpenAI宣布DALL-E 3模型向ChatGPT免费用户开放,但每天只能生成两张图片

IT之家 8 月 9 日消息,北京时间今天凌晨,OpenAI 宣布 ChatGPT 免费用户可以每天使用其 DALL-E 3 模型生成图片。

IT之家注:DALL-E 3 于去年 9 月推出,起初只面向 ChatGPT Plus 付费订阅用户提供。

用户可以直接在 ChatGPT 的输入框中键入生成图片相关指令,但经过实测,这项功能每天只能免费生成两张图片,否则 ChatGPT 会提示“您已达到图片创建上限,升级至 ChatGPT Plus 或于明天 XX:XX 后重试”。

A surreal image of a smartphone gradually transforming into a person. The phone screen starts to morph into a human face with distinct features, while the body of the phone evolves into a torso with arms and legs emerging. The transformation should appear as if the phone is coming to life, with a blend of electronic and human elements. The background is abstract, with soft, glowing lights and a slightly futuristic vibe, emphasizing the merging of technology and humanity.

▲ IT之家实测生成的图片,下同

A humorous and whimsical illustration of a smartphone with human features. The phone has a face with exaggerated eyes, a wide smile, and human-like arms and legs. The limbs are slightly disproportionate, adding to the cartoonish and funny effect. The phone's body remains mostly unchanged, but the screen shows the face, and the buttons or ports resemble other facial features. The overall style is playful, with bright colors and a lighthearted atmosphere, making the phone appear as a comical character.

今年 4 月,OpenAI 宣布 DALL-E 3 引入全新的编辑界面,在基于用户文本生成图片之后,可以继续根据用户描述精细化调整已生成的图片。此外,用户也可以在 ChatGPT 中跨 Web、iOS 和 Android 使用 DALL-E 生成图像。

今年 2 月,OpenAI 宣布,其图像生成器 DALL-E 3 将开始为所生成的图像添加来自内容来源和真实性联盟 (C2PA) 的水印,以帮助用户识别使用人工智能 (AI) 生成的内容。




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